Parents Who Adopted Harry Potter Fan Surprise Her With Hogwarts Bedroom | Happily TV

2023-02-20 8

A Harry Potter fan who had recently been adopted froze in shock when she discovered her new parents had given her bedroom a magical makeover themed on the wizarding franchise. Autumn Carden, 15, was in foster care with Chris and Julie Carden, from Dandridge, Tennessee, when on a church questionnaire wrote all she wanted was a mom and dad – which led to them wanting to adopt. Knowing how much Autumn loves books and Harry Potter, after her adoption was official, the family decided they wanted to do something extra special for her. Their daughter, Kristen Holbrook, helped them secretly work on the Potter-themed room, and once it was ready, on March 30, 2022, Kristen shared Autumn’s reaction to the surprise on social media. As Autumn entered the room her jaw dropped, and she covered her mouth in shock. In front of her were floating candles, Hogwarts-style sheets, curtains, lamps, wax-sealed letters, old books, and a mirror that looked straight out of the movie.